
An Era of Conscience

The Art of Love's Diplomacy

Dito Anurogo 1,2,3,4


1Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

2Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia

3School of Life Institute

4Overseas Indonesian Students' Association Alliance


Email: dito.anurogo@med.unismuh.ac.id


Love is one of the most intricate and potent feelings that are known to the people of this world. It has been the subject of research by academics and scientists for centuries, and the consequences it has been found to have are both far-reaching and profound. As a direct consequence of this, the idea of "love diplomacy" has been floated around. According to this theory, love offers a constructive and significant way to get an awareness of the complexities of both individual relationships and international politics.

To begin, it is essential to emphasize that love is not reducible to a single definition or interpretation; rather, it is a complex feeling that may be understood in a variety of ways. Love, on the other hand, is not a single entity but rather a complicated web of connections and relationships between individuals. Therefore, when it comes to the idea of love as a form of diplomacy, the ties that exist between individuals become the primary point of concentration. Love, when viewed in this light, can be understood as a type of communication since it paves the way for increased mutual respect and deeper comprehension of the circumstances at hand.

Love is a powerful force that can bring about positive transformation, which is another important factor to take into consideration. According to a number of studies, persons who have a strong sense that they are liked and valued have a tendency to be more productive and creative. In addition, when people are able to communicate their feelings of love in a manner that is polite to one another, it can lead to a conversation that is more fruitful and meaningful. In this manner, the diplomacy of love can be utilized as a helpful tool for the purpose of settling conflicts and creating peace.

However, it is essential to take into account the positive effects that love has on one's psyche. According to a number of studies, love can have a significant effect on one's mental health, leading to increased feelings of well-being and a decreased level of stress. In addition, having the experience of being loved can boost one's sense of self-worth and confidence, both of which can be extremely useful qualities in the context of international talks. When viewed in this light, the idea of "diplomacy of love" can be understood to be a powerful instrument for fostering positive transformation and maintaining healthy relationships.

In conclusion, it is abundantly obvious that the idea of love-based diplomacy has important ramifications for both the comprehension of and the resolution of interpersonal and international disputes. This idea has the potential to contribute to the development of an atmosphere that is characterized by mutual comprehension and regard thanks to its emphasis on the relationships that exist between individuals and its promotion of the uplifting outcomes that result from love. As a consequence of this, it has been suggested that love-based diplomacy should be taken seriously and utilized as an efficient tool for the promotion of peace and understanding.

陳奇銘校長:良好品德教育為先 學習社會責任 期勉未來貢獻社會

「專業的養成固然重要,但是如果沒有好的品德,將來出社會服務就可能會危害到社會比較嚴重。」真理大學校長陳奇銘在2024年1月24日國際教育日的「良心教育 照亮未來」線上分享會表示,真理大學以馬偕博士奉獻服務的精神「寧願燒盡,不願朽壞」教育下一代,希望他們以良好的品德為先,為社會做出卓越的貢獻。

校長洪中明落實日行一善的良心教育 讓學生學習愛自己也愛別人

良心教育是幫助世人邁向永續未來的基礎。2024年1月24日第六屆國際教育日,聯合國NGO世界公民總會、太極門氣功養生學會及世界之愛和平總會舉辦「良心教育 照亮未來」線上分享會。童軍出身的新北市光華國小校長洪中明表示,童軍的日行一善是他的生活準則,更是教育理念。




「愛與良心促進和平文化是推動社會進步的關鍵。」小學圖書教師曾綉絹於1月24日國際教育日受邀參加由聯合國NGO世界公民總會、太極門氣功養生學會等單位合辦的《良心教育 照亮未來》線上分享會中提到,良心教育不僅僅存在於課堂上,更是貫穿學校的各個角落。透過良心教育,培養出更有愛心和責任感的學生,他們不僅在學業上優秀,更能夠主動參與社會事務,為社會貢獻自己的一份力量。


面對誘惑與良心的交戰,該做何選擇?太極門高雄道館12月9日特別邀請曾榮登台灣共同基金操盤冠軍經理人、資深財經顧問官大煊,以「良心之上 財富相伴」為題,分享良心更在財富與科技之上的意義,並提醒大家,謹守不貪心、不讓錢離開自己的戶頭,就不會落入詐騙的陷阱。

居安思危 把「良心」當作事業


「天涼好個秋」 愛與良心讓世界更美好

秋天是一個出遊的好時光,在溫帶和寒帶國家,秋天的景色色彩斑斕。在2023年10月18日的網路節目《良水咕嚕咕嚕》頻道的「天涼好個秋 part 1」節目中,邵亭芬與觀眾分享她在37個國家旅行的美好經歷和善行。



科學讓生活更精彩 科學達人教您輕鬆DIY衛生冰沙



太極門氣功養生學會與民團共同響應,於9月25日舉辦論壇,以「925世界之愛 和平之願啟」為主題於線上直播,前基隆市議員王醒之期待每個人能「以和平替代對立」,以具體的對話與行動推動縣市的發展成就彼此,而非以鄰為壑。
